Maximize the Life of Your Asphalt with Sealer Additives

Maximize the Life of Your Asphalt with Sealer Additives

Maximize the Life of Your Asphalt with Sealer Additives


Asphalt can be a great investment for your home or business, but it is important to maximize its life. You can do this by regularly applying sealer additives to your asphalt. Sealers provide a protective barrier that will protect your asphalt from damage caused by water, oxygen, and ultraviolet rays. Here’s what you need to know about asphalt sealer additives and why they are so important.

Types of Sealers

The type of sealer you choose depends on the condition of your asphalt and what you want to achieve with the seal coating. There are two main types of asphalt sealers: coal tar emulsion and asphalt emulsion. Coal tar emulsion is more popular because it provides better protection against water penetration and ultraviolet rays. Asphalt emulsion is a bit less expensive but does not offer as much protection as coal tar emulsion.


Benefits of Applying Asphalt Sealer Additives

There are several benefits to using asphalt sealer additives on your residential or commercial property in Sanford. First and foremost, regular application of sealer additives helps prevent oxidation caused by sun exposure, which can lead to cracks in your pavement over time. Furthermore, regular applications help keep water out of cracks in the pavement, preventing further damage and ensuring that potholes don’t form due to standing water. Lastly, regular applications help protect against tire marks and oil stains that can discolor your pavement over time.


How Often Should I Apply Sealers?

Most experts recommend applying an asphalt sealer every three years or so depending on the condition of your pavement and how much traffic it endures each day. If you want to lengthen the life span of your pavement even more, consider applying a seal coat every two years instead. Either way, make sure that you hire a reputable contractor who uses quality materials for best results!



Protecting your residential or commercial property's asphalt surface is essential for ensuring its longevity! Regularly applying an asphalt sealant containing quality additives will help prevent oxidation caused by sun exposure and keep water from seeping into cracks in the surface where it could cause further damage leading to potholes forming over time. Additionally, it will also protect against tire marks and oil stains that can discolor your pavement over time. If you're looking for reliable Residential or Commercial Asphalt Sealcoating services in Sanford, look no further than Florida Sealcoating! Contact us today for a free estimate on our services so we can help keep your driveway looking great throughout any season!