Combatting Tree Root Damage to Your Asphalt Driveway

Combatting Tree Root Damage to Your Asphalt Driveway

Combatting Tree Root Damage to Your Asphalt Driveway


Trees are a beautiful addition to any yard, adding color and shade. But their roots can cause significant damage to asphalt driveways if not properly cared for. If you’re looking for asphalt repair services in Orlando, Florida Sealcoating LLC can provide a free estimate and help you with your tree root damage. Let’s explore the basics of how to combat tree root damage to your driveway.

Maintaining Your Trees

The first step in combatting tree root damage is ensuring that your trees are properly maintained. That means regular pruning and trimming of the branches and roots so they don’t spread too far out into your yard or driveway. If you’re unsure how much pruning is necessary or what type of trees work best in relation to asphalt driveways, it’s best to contact an arborist or landscaping professional who can help you make the best decision for your property.

Protecting Your Asphalt Driveway

In addition to properly maintaining the trees on your property, you should also take steps to protect your asphalt driveway from potential tree root damage. The easiest way to do this is by installing a barrier between the tree and the driveway, such as a layer of gravel or mulch that will keep the roots from growing into the asphalt surface. This will also help reduce water runoff from the tree onto your pavement and minimize potential frost heave due to temperature changes throughout the year.

Repairing Asphalt Driveway Damage

If you already have existing tree root damage on your asphalt driveway, it’s important that you repair it quickly before it gets worse. The most effective way is by resurfacing or overlaying the damaged area with new asphalt material which will restore its strength and integrity while also preventing further problems down the road. For more complicated repairs like these, it’s always best to contact an experienced contractor like Florida Sealcoating LLC who can provide a free estimate and help ensure that your repairs are done correctly and professionally.


Tree root damage can cause serious issues when left untreated on an asphalt driveway, but fortunately there are many ways to prevent it from happening in the first place. By properly maintaining nearby trees and protecting your pavement with barriers, as well as repairing any existing damage quickly with new materials, you can ensure that your pavement remains strong for years to come without needing extensive repairs later on down the road. If you need assistance with any asphalt repair services in Orlando, Florida Sealcoating LLC can provide a free estimate so get in touch today!