5 Signs of a Low-Quality Asphalt Paving

5 Signs of a Low-Quality Asphalt Paving

5 Signs of a Low-Quality Asphalt Paving

Whether it's for your driveway or commercial parking lot, getting a new asphalt paving installed can be an expensive investment. So, it is important to make sure that you are getting the best possible quality asphalt paving. But, how do you know if your asphalt paving is low-quality? In this blog post, we will highlight 5 signs of a low-quality asphalt paving, so you can avoid making a bad investment.

1. Cracks and Potholes

A low-quality asphalt paving will show cracks and potholes in no time. This is because the asphalt mix used by the contractor may not contain the right amount of aggregate, or may have been laid too thin. Check your asphalt paving regularly for signs of cracking or potholes. It's better to address the issue before it gets worse.

2. Uneven Surface

Uneven or rough areas on the asphalt surface is another sign that it's of low quality. An uneven surface can result in poor drainage, standing water, and trip hazards. Make sure to check the surface of your asphalt paving regularly. If you notice any low or high spots, reach out to a reputable paving contractor to get it fixed.

3. Fading Color

Over time, asphalt paving can lose its color - this is normal. However, if your asphalt paving is fading or losing its color soon after installation, it's a sign of low-quality materials or improper installation. High-quality asphalt paving should stay dark for at least 1-2 years. If your asphalt paving is already fading in less than a year, it's time to seek professional help.

4. Poor Drainage

Proper drainage is critical for the longevity of your asphalt paving. A low-quality installation will not have sufficient drainage, leading to standing water that can damage the asphalt's structural integrity. If you notice any standing water on your asphalt paving or puddles after it rains, you should contact a professional paving contractor to inspect your paving and drainage.

5. Non-Uniform Thickness

Another sign of low-quality asphalt paving is non-uniform thickness. Good quality asphalt paving should have a uniform thickness and be laid evenly across the area. Non-uniform thickness is an indication of a poor installation job, which can lead to structural problems later on. If you notice any thinner or thicker areas on your asphalt paving, contact a paving contractor to have it fixed immediately.



Investing in a new asphalt paving can be a big expense for anyone. That's why it's essential to understand the signs of a low-quality asphalt paving before you pay for it. Look for these tell-tale signs such as cracks, potholes, uneven surface, fading color, poor drainage, and non-uniform thickness. If you suspect any of these signs or if you're looking for asphalt repairs in Orlando, FL, don't hesitate to contact a professional paving contractor like Florida Sealcoating for a free estimate. At Florida Sealcoating, we use high-quality materials and have the expertise to ensure that your asphalt paving remains durable for years to come.