Asphalt is a proven, durable, and cost-effective paving option. Routine maintenance can substantially prolong the life of your driveway, but nothing endures forever. Eventually, the time will come when your driveway requires repair. Our experts on asphalt repairs in Sanford want you to know that if you notice the damage early enough, you might be able to manage the restorations yourself.
Asphalt deterioration can assume many forms, but on residential driveways, you will likely first notice cracking, depressions, or crumbling. If you see a problem early enough, chances are good that you can complete the repairs yourself. This post provides advice for independently correcting common residential driveway problems.
Asphalt cracks for various reasons, including heavy loads, shifting of the earth below the sub-base, freeze and thaw cycles, and vegetation growth through the pavement. Luckily, there is a method for filling cracks and helping prevent your asphalt drive from crumbling. Here's how:
If you're unsure about embarking on the repair yourself, call in our professionals to get the job done right!
Depressions in asphalt can develop where vehicles are parked in one spot for an extended period or where the base or subbase is poorly laid. In addition, freezing weather and water collection in these recesses can force them to worsen over time. Eventually, cracks will develop in these depressions, moisture will penetrate, and the asphalt will fatigue and crumble. Here's how to restore depressions in your pavement:
If you're unsure how to patch an asphalt depression or feel uncomfortable doing it yourself, speak to us about the asphalt repairs in Sanford when you need to get the job done right.