The Optimal Time of Day for Starting a Sealcoating Project

The Optimal Time of Day for Starting a Sealcoating Project

The Optimal Time of Day for Starting a Sealcoating Project

Sealing a driveway is necessary to ensure that it's protected from the weather, withstands lubricant and other automobile fluid stains, and keeps its swarthy ebony appearance. However, consumers often wonder when the most suitable time of day is to head out and begin the project if they attempt to sealcoat their driveway by themselves. So, if you are thinking of sealcoating your driveway in the near future, our specialists have some outstanding suggestions.

There's no problem with the optimal time of day for starting a sealcoating project in Orlando if the temperature of the ground is over 50 degrees. The imperative thing to remember is that your sealant will require ample time for drying, and you likely don't prefer being out laboring in the heat while the sun is at its hottest point and temps are sticky. Therefore, we suggest initiating your sealcoating project near 10 a.m. During this time of the day, dampness in the atmosphere is beginning to vanish, and it is not burning hot outside. Of course, it is feasible to initiate your task earlier in the day. But why run outside and begin laboring so early when you can allow yourself some extra time for sleeping in on your day off.

But truthfully, there's no justification for having to seal your driveway during the day. Considerable experienced sealcoating company proprietors choose to wait until evening to initiate a sealcoating project. Laboring at night is acceptable,  as long as the ambient temperature is high enough. Contractors can work through the nighttime to sealcoat a parking lot without exposure to searing temperatures. Sealing at night guarantees reduced traffic patterns so that the contractor's machinery won't interrupt traffic. This approach also permits the pavement plenty of drying time before automobiles begin parking on the pavement again.

Other considerations

Excluding merely the time of day when you're thinking about sealing a driveway, there are additional items to consider. Professionals advise that you hold these matters in the back of your mind before you begin your sealcoating project.


A driveway requires complete dryness prior to successful sealcoating of your paved surface. Wetness remaining on the asphalt surface will devastate the undertaking and endow you with an inadequately protected driveway. So if you're honestly considering attempting to sealcoat your wet driveway, we implore you to think twice. Dryness is absolutely vital for sealcoating.

Traffic patterns

The sealer requires at least a day to dry before you can drive on it or park your automobiles on it. The necessity for zero automobile contact on the freshly spread sealcoating makes it critical to be certain that everyone in the household parks on the road for the day after the finished project.

Weather conditions

Climate can play a decisive function in the paving industry. In addition to requiring the ideal temperature, you cannot have any precipitation at all in the weather forecast if you intend to seal a driveway. So
as a widespread practice, you should always try to confirm that the asphalt surface will have at least three days free of precipitation after you apply it.

If you're worried, anxious, or unskilled, then you might prefer to rethink sealing your driveway yourself. Pursuing the expertise of a competent sealcoating specialist will remove all of the guesswork from sealcoating and ensure that you are left with a job well done.

We are here to help with sealcoating in Orlando.  Our company has the experience and expertise to meet all of your paving needs and exceed your expectations.